Here are photos of some of last night’s trail quest answers. Thanks again to Barry for some brilliant clues – they really showcased what a beautiful part of the world we live in.
If you took photos of your team on the night, please share them on facebook.
And don’t forget our next trail quest on 21st June – see you there!

17 – Who’s farm is at number 1?

4. What colour are the crab’s eyes in the mosaic opposite Lekker Kitchen Cafe?

7. What animal is on the sign for Brae Head Farm?

16. What was Shore Road formerly know as?

1. How many hands are on the metal sculpture at the seafront?

23. What are you encouraged to do “for a while” at the town land of Carney Hill

5. What is the speed limit at No. 20b?

24. What shape is painted on the tank at the distillery? (red star just obscured in this photo)

13. How many rocks are stacked on the boulder?

21. What is the telegraph pole number at the Ards CC sign?

10. Per the sign on the telegraph pole, what are you to remember as you drive with care?