Barry set another great course for tonight’s trail quest, with riders having 90 minutes to get round as many clues as possible in the low country. The weather was perfect – warm and calm – and the roads were quiet and (mostly) tarred… One team got caught in the middle of a herd of cows – there’s nothing like the clip-clopping of a bull behind you to get the adrenaline flowing!

The winners were the Early Bird’s Skeleton Crew, who judged their timing to perfection to score a very impressive 340 points.

The clues were well up to Barry’s usual high standards. Here’s one of the three grumpy donkeys at Ballyquintin Castle.

Team Ruby Tuesday took top prize for a girl’s team

And D&D took top prize for a boy’s team

Here are the complete results

The team at Christ Church, Ardkeen put on a great spread for us at the finish – many thanks!

The Dolmen Hunters took third overall. We did pass some ancient monuments this evening but no dolmens. Maybe next time….

The Buskateers

Team Paul’s Sore Knee at the start.

Team Bread scored highly, but had time penalties and seemed to have lost some members. A meeting of the commission of commissaires has been convened to review their case…

And finally, no trail quest report is complete without a picture of Barry marking the exam papers. Well done Barry and many thanks for an entertaining night out.
If you enjoyed tonight’s event, or you missed it and like the sound of it, we’ve another trail quest coming up on 27th June (course rumoured to be on “the other side”, i.e. south of Comber). Spread the word 🙂